31 Mar Quick tip for coming up with content ideas…
Throughout the month, start keeping a note of things that inspire you…
These could be quotes, ideas or just random thoughts you’ve had…
Example 1: I read all my non-fiction books on my Kindle, and highlight the parts that resonated with me, then chuck them in a ‘bucket’ at the end of the month, and pick what ones I want to write about
Example 2: I often get my best ideas when I’m not thinking of ideas. As soon as something pops into my head, I just summarise it in a sentence, and throw it in the ‘bucket’
The ‘bucket’ can be a Slack channel, Evernote, Google doc, Kindle highlights, it doesn’t really matter 🪣
Then, at the end of the month, you end up with a library of content idea inspiration in one place…
And avoid scratching around for ideas on what to write about!
What does your process look like?
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